Friday, January 9, 2009

the wonderful Word.

This year in Community Bible Study we are going through Genesis. This week is all about chapter 24. What a wonderful chapter.

It's all about Abraham's most trusted servant being sent back to Abraham's home town to find Isaac a wife. His servant is such a great guy... totally devoted to Abraham and totally trusting in the Lord and worshiping Him at every chance he can get.

And God hearing the servants prayer and leading him.

And Rebekah being such a servant and offering to water this strangers camels and "running" to do it.. not doing it begrudgingly or wishing that he would have asked someone else. I'm sure I wouldn't have acted as humble.

And then finding out that God had chosen YOU to be this mighty, rich guy's wife.. out of no where! It's like some reality show time a trillion! You were just doing the daily water run like you've done so many times before and blam!.. life changed. I'm sure it was hard leaving home for the unknown. I can only imagine all of the feelings and thoughts running through her mind on the 500 mile journey to see him... "what if I would have told this guy no?" "I wonder what my husband is like!" "will he like me?" "how is my life going to be different" "I can't believe God chose me!" "Why me?" "This is so exciting.. so scary!!" "I miss mom!"

What a great story.

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